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Ian Alldis headshot 2018 - Nic Skerten -


Spotlight PIN : 8217-1271-2803

Welcome to my website, where you will find everything you need to know about who I am, how I got my start, and what I am up to now. It's still a work in progress, and I'm currently battling with the technology - most of which appears to hate me - Ever since I was young, I had a true love for the art of the actor, but never had the courage to dip a toe in the weird and turbulent waters of the performing arts until my mid 40's. Take a look around, and enjoy all that I have to offer - Or just have a good chuckle at my massive technical inadequacy!

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March 26, 2018

Aaand  that's a wrap!  - no, that's not a description of the on-set catering, but a commonly heard exclamation at the end of filming, and therefore a phrase that what was heard by this humble performer on Saturday 25th March at the end of two days filming 'Red Rose', a Western, currently being filmed by the frighteningly talented, awfully nice, and really well organised Matt Linge, of Bournemouth university. 
Slightly earlier in the week, there was another day or two of filming in the beautiful Peak District on 'The People of Featherhead', the occult horror short film being directed by James Woodall and Harry Rae Smith, of Manchester university.

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August 20, 2017


And here's the news : The first three performances of Crude Apache's latest show 'The Transports' have now taken place to much praise from appreciative audiences. There are still four more opportunities to catch this fantastic, rollicking, grimy, dark, yet hopeful tale, which features the vocal and performance talents of your truly, and a brilliant cast which includes Joanna Swan, Gill Dean, Leo Oakley and Leighton Williams.

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July 20, 2017

Having finally completed the magnificent four-week screen-acting masterclass at The Actors Studio at London's Pinewood Studios, Yours truly is now eagerly awaiting the completion of the new show reel - lovingly created and now being carefully tweaked by those lovely folks down at Pinewood

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June 1, 2017


Lines, lines, lines! the learning process begins again... Coming soon : news of the next project!

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September 3, 2017

And that's a wrap! The Colchester Film Festival's 60 hour film challenge 2017 took place over the last weekend in September, and yours truly had the immense pleasure of being a part of the LBPXP team's entry.

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September 17, 2017

Yes, good people, the theatre tour of Norfolk and Suffolk has come to an end. Henry Cable is settled in Australia, doing well - and I can happily leave the 18th century behind me. I can finally say a fond farewell to both George Gynne and the eccentric Major Strumpshaw, two characters who have been such a large part of my acting life throughout 2017. Onwards and upwards, as they say!! On with the self-tapes and auditions to come...

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November 1, 2017

Yes, good folks out there, 'stuff' is occurring. This very week, I am heading down to sunny Southend to start filming on my very first excursion into the world of feature film. I'm scheduled to be filming for two weeks, with a few extra days scheduled in January for pick-ups, green-screen and a few other bits and bobs.
Watch this space, people - 'Axman' is coming!

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November 21, 2017

...And in newer news... Yours Truly is off to the Peak District to film a teaser trailer for the next film project I'll be working on - 'The People of Featherhead' a brilliant little horror movie that takes its inspiration from the very best folk-horror literature and films of the last century... More posts about this to follow...

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December  8, 2017

It never rains, good people... A slightly longer-term bit of news now, following a successful audition for a small part in a tv project which, although it is not scheduled to be filmed until late 2018/early2019, is still rather exciting for this actor. As I always say, folks - Onwards and Upwards!

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December 23, 2017

Well, it's been a funny old year in many ways,  but here we are, at the end of it. It's Christmas now, and I'm having a few days off. Merry Christmas everyone! Have a great time, and a happy new year... here's to another twelve months of excitement, adventure, and really wild things! Onwards and Upwards, everyone!

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February 10th 2018

... And in newer news, the Alldis found himself at Shepperton Studios in London on Friday, for an audition which, if successful, will result in some very exciting news.. Sadly, due to the ubiquitous NDA, not much can yet be said about said job. Fingers crossed, and 'watch this space' ...

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"I am still learning"


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